Highlighting Local and/or Minority Artists in Your Design

The modern marvel of the internet allows us to not only have access to information in a moment’s notice at the tip of our fingertips, but also to grow culturally and intellectually through artwork and design. If you are ready to start incorporating artwork into your space, you may want to consider highlighting local or minority artists. It will not only help your design, but also help an artist grow.
What is Art?
When we talk about artwork that can be incorporated into your design, you may gravitate towards thoughts of paintings or images that you can hang on your walls. Artistically, though, artwork may include paperweights, pottery, nick knacks, woodwork, clocks, glassware, and so much more. As you browse the artisan markets in your area, keep an open mind, and collect items that speak to you. If an artist has work that you love, but you don’t think it will work well with your design, they may be able to create a custom piece for you. Don’t be afraid to ask!
Where to Find Local and Minority Artists
Finding areas where you can purchase local art is the first step. Regardless of where you live, there are opportunities to find beautiful pieces that will enhance your space! If you live in a more rural area, you may consider trade fairs, craft fairs, city-wide sales, and local celebrations where vendors are allowed to be present. If you live in a more urban area, consider visiting the art district of your city. Between local art galleries, schools, and small art communities, you can find what you need to get started. Most importantly, you may find the contact information or be able to speak with the artists and get to know them.
What to Look For in Art
At the end of the day, your artwork should speak to you. It should also be something that fits the space you are looking to enhance. If you have a commercial space, and your goal is to support local and minority artists by displaying their artwork so that it can be sold, consider inviting them into your space so that they can help you design a display that works well with the rest of your décor. Commercial spaces are a great way to help your local artists get more exposure to the public, especially if they are allowed to leave their business cards next to their artwork so that potential clients can pick up their contact information.
Other Ways to Promote Local and Minority Artwork
From beaded purses to clothing, artisans have been enhancing our lives since the beginning of time. Their hard work and dedication deserve attention. If you are shopping for artwork for your home and office, and discover an artist that you want to help, consider buying additional work that you can use to donate to charity auctions, along with the contact information of the artist. Other options include wearing clothing, or personal items such as jewelry and purses, and when someone asks you about your wearable art, pass out the artist’s business card or website.
Never dismiss the power of word-of-mouth advertising, your love for an artist’s work may be what convinces your friends and family to support that artist. In that spirit, when you run across an artist that you enjoy, remember to follow them on social media, like, share, and follow their work so that when you see something that someone else might like, you can promote it online.
Remember, at Desired Designs, our goal is to always help you create a space that is relaxing and representative of your personality and tastes. There isn’t a project that you have that is too big or too small for us because we work with a wide range of budgets and scope. It would be our greatest pleasure to help you connect with local and minority artists in our area to help you define your space, contact us today to learn more.