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New Year, New Space

January is often known as the month of new or fresh beginnings, because it’s the first month of our calendar year. During the month of January most people are purging the old and making room for all the new that the current year will bring. After a season of holidays, spending time with family and friends, giving and getting, most people see January as a time for renewal and refreshing. Giving the spaces that you live and work a fresh look and appeal can go a long way. We spend majority of our time in these spaces and there are so many ways to give them a fresh facelift. Bringing new life to the spaces that you use every day helps to lift your attitude, spirit and motivation. Let’s begin the new year with a fresh start, not only for your personal, spiritual, work and physical goals, but also for the spaces that you reside! There are some key points to add life to your space quickly and without a huge price tag.

  1. POP OF COLOR: Some people are scared of color because of the perceived permanence of adding color. Color adds instant life to a space and can also be added in items that won’t leave you feeling like you made a permanent stamp on your space. You can add color in all the right places to make your space pop with new life.

  2. MIX IT UP: Most people a prone to one design style or another, whether it be traditional or contemporary. You can really give new spice to a space by adding some elements to make your space eclectic. This month on our Instagram and Facebook page, we will post some great examples of how to make this work.

  3. TEXTURES: If you are not a fan of too much color or a mix of different styles, go the texture route. You can combine different textures in a space even if its neutral to add for a stimulating and visually appealing space.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook, as we post examples of how to bring new life to your current spaces in the new year. Cheers to a wonderful year!

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